HRVs and How They Help Achieve California's Title 24 Code Compliance

HRVs and How They Help Achieve California's Title 24 Code Compliance

When building a new home in California this year, builders may come up against some new items in the building code that may be unfamiliar. Notably, the requirements for mechanical ventilation using heat recovery ventilators or HRVs. These systems go hand in hand with the improved airtightness measures that are being called for and will also affect the building’s energy design rating significantly.

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Air is the New Water

Air is the New Water

Remember the good old days when you could drink water from a stream? You don’t? Neither do I! Anyone who has any familiarity with drinking water contamination knows that just because the water in a stream may look crystal clear, there can be all sorts of bacteria, viruses and other contaminants that can cause illness. So why is it taking so long to recognize that we need to be concerned about the air we breathe and have a plan for ensuring our buildings provide clean, fresh air?

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Small Planet Supply’s Better Building Coach is a Mobile Showroom that Brings the Future of Building to You

Small Planet Supply’s Better Building Coach is a Mobile Showroom that Brings the Future of Building to You

When the idea first came up for retrofitting a bus into a mobile workshop and showroom, there were a few of us at Small Planet who were a bit skeptical. Since then, even the most reluctant of the staff admit to being intrigued by the transformation that is taking place at our Tumwater warehouse.

In October, Albert Rooks, CEO of Small Planet Supply, took possession of a four-year-old Starcraft 25-foot shuttle bus and began planning the transformation. Now, halfway through the change, we asked him why this was so important to him, especially since running the Better Building Coach entails using fuel.

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The Intersection of Healthy and High Efficiency Building

The Intersection of Healthy and High Efficiency Building

Recently Albert Rooks and I went to California to participate in a presentation to a builder about Hayward Home Score and energy-efficient building with Hayward Score Founder Bill Hayward and Healthy Building Scientist Joe Medosch.  Hayward Home Score helps homeowners identify major issues in their homes that can impact their health and gives them personalized actionable recommendations to remedy them.  Their further work, The Five Principles of a Healthy Home, provide specific guidelines on how to have the healthiest home possible. 

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New Zehnder Q and ComfoPost Arrive Right on Cue for New West Vancouver Passive House

New Zehnder Q and ComfoPost Arrive Right on Cue for New West Vancouver Passive House

Last Tuesday, Small Planet Supply’s Albert Rooks met with Shawn Barr of Naikoon Construction to complete the final commissioning of the first Zehnder ComfoAir Q and ComfoPost in North America at the Radcliffe Passive House in West Vancouver.

The installation of the new Q system wasn’t an accident. Radcliffe Passive House owner James Dean was aware that the Q would soon be released in North America and wanted it installed in his new home since it represents a whole new level of heat recovery ventilation. 

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