ThermaCork Expanded Cork EXPANDS Your Building Possibilities

ThermaCork expanded cork is a versatile product that can be used to provide insulation, aesthetic beauty and interest, and noise reduction to your projects. Whether you’ve tried ThermaCork just once, or have used it in multiple products, there’s always something new to explore about ThermaCork. On this page, we’re sharing our blogs and other materials we’ve developed which highlight the many uses of ThermaCork.

We’ve been selling ThermaCork for almost eight years and since then our customers have been using cork in ways we never even imagined. If you’d like to share with others what you’ve done with cork or if you have questions about ThermaCork, we’d love to hear from you.

ThermaCork: Expand the Conversation

in 2020 we created a free Thermacork course in our Small Planet Supply learning platform.

in 2020 we created a free Thermacork course in our Small Planet Supply learning platform.

ThermaCork is carbon-negative. The video above illustrates why carbon-negative is so important and what it means for the planet.

Looking for some new ideas for using ThermaCork, this slideshow borrowed from the the ThermaCork website, demonstrates the versatility and beauty of cork.

ThermaCork Blog Posts